Atrophy of the right testicle is the result of taking a testicular biopsy specimen. During the procedure, hemorrhage was controlled by compressing the blood supply to the testis, which led to infarction. Notice the small scar at the ventral aspect of the testis.
In the process of obtaining a biopsy specimen, the biopsy instrument was blindly inserted into the body of the epididymis. The pointer indicates the scar as well as adhesions and necrosis.
Testicular hemorrhage following a biopsy procedure. A blind needle biopsy procedure is not recommended in the bull due to the abundance of blood vessels, particularly in the caudal region of the testis.
Normal American bison [Bison bison] testicles. Reciprocal crosses with Bos taurus have occurred, but best results are obtained when domestic bulls are used on bison cows. Matings between bison bulls and domestic cows result in problems, including hydrallantois.
Inflammation of the body and tail of the epididymis. This bull had traumatic gastritis and vegetative endocarditis due to Arcanobacterium pyogenes which extended to the seminal vesicular glands and the epididymides.
Malignant lymphoma of the spermatic cord of a 3 year old Angus bull. The spermatic cord and the common tunics were enlarged and bulging due to the neoplastic growth.
Placement of the emasculator, which crushes and cuts, is critical. The crushing bar must be placed on the proximal end of the spermatic cord. The cutting blade must oriented towards the testis. In the vernacular: "the (wing)nut towards the nut (testis)".
The rubber elastrator band (tubing) is tightened via the trigger action of this instrument while holding the band in place around the spermatic cords dorsal to the testes.