Testicular size can be assessed by the measurement of scrotal circumference. Size is directly related to the volume of sperm production, and, interestingly, to the onset of puberty in the offspring; male as well as female.
Longitudinal cross section. Scrotal circumference 37 cm. Length of the left testis 25 cm; length of the right testis 29 cm. Normal tone in both testes.
Experimental heating of the testis by wrapping roll cotton around the scrotum and taping it in place. Three days of scrotal insulation produced severe morphological abnormalities of the spermatozoa in ejaculates collected 2 to 4 weeks later.
Inguinal hernias are most common on the left side. Gross distension is readily visible. The contents are generally replaceable and not firm unless incarcerated.
Non-specific scrotal dermatitis in an 18-month old Ayrshire bull kept under filthy conditions. The thickened scrotal wall interfered with thermoregulation.
Chorioptic mange leading to generalized scrotal dermatitis interfered with thermoregulation and fertility. It took 2 to 3 months for sperm quality to recover.