Uteri at approximately 1 month post partum. Caprine endometrium on the left shows shallow dish-shaped caruncles. Ovine endometrium on the right shows cup-shaped caruncles.
The reproductive tract has been opened to show the folds of the cervix that are directed towards the vagina. Note the caruncles in the uterus of the ewe that lambed 2 to 3 weeks prior to the necropsy.
Normal uterus of a pluriparous, nonpregnant Suffolk ewe. The body and the right horn have been opened up to show the endometrium and the pigmentation of the caruncles.
Uterus of a ewe that delivered twins, which accounts for the symmetry of the horns. Involution is 90 per cent complete. Structure on the lower right is the bladder. Anestrous (inactive ovaries).
Accumulation of sterile fluid in the uterine lumen can be associated with persistence of the corpus luteum. This may lead to anestrus and pseudopregnancy. The uterus may be extremely thin walled.
Compared with a gravid uterus on the left the fluid filled uterus (hydrometra) on the right does not contain a fetus and does not show placental development.
Compared with a gravid uterus on the left the fluid filled uterus (hydrometra) on the right does not contain a fetus and does not show placental development. No fluctuance is evident in the nonpregnant uterus.