Dystocia due to feto-maternal disproportion. Frequently the legs are crossed over when the lamb is large. The hooves show prominent eponychia (soft protective tips).
With the ewe in dorsal recumbency the abdomen has been clipped, prepared for cesarean section, and the line of incision has been topically anesthetized. Note the large mammary veins and the swollen udder.
The uterine horn has been incised along the greater curvature and the lamb is ready for delivery (lower two hands), while an assistant holds on to the uterus. Ewe in dorsal recumbency.
The uterine incision was closed with a Utrecht pattern, a single suture pattern that simultaneously aligns the endometrial edges and inverts the myometrium.
These students are closing the uterine incision with a Utrecht pattern, a single suture pattern that simultaneously aligns the endometrial edges and inverts the myometrium.
This uterine incision was closed with an inverting Utrecht suture pattern, creating a nice seal. The ewe was euthanized 2 days after delivery of quadruplets, because she remained recumbent.
Closure of the uterine incision with the Utrecht pattern which achieves a simultaneous alignment of the cut edges of the incision and infolding of the serosal surfaces.
Closure of the uterine incision with the Utrecht pattern which achieves a simultaneous alignment of the cut edges of the incision and infolding of the serosal surfaces.