Prolapse of the Clitoris.
Chronic eversion, prolapse, or protrusion of the clitoris as a result of trauma. The scar on the left leg is indicative of a kick.
Roberts SJ (1972)

Coital Vesicular Exanthema.
Coital vesicular exanthema. The stallion also showed lesions.
Clark T (1974)

Vulvar Insufficiency.
The perineum of this mare shows a gaping deficit. The lips of the vulva were sutured and the area dorsal to it dehisced. This abnormal conformation leads to pneumovagina. Reconstructive surgery is indicated.
Asbury AC (1986)

Mare After Dystocia.
Post dystocia mare prepared for examination of the birth canal.
Pozor MA (2009)

Vestibular Varicosity.
This image shows the vestibular ring of a mare exposed by parting the vulvar lips. Large varicose veins are seen surrounding the ring. While these do not interfere with the mare's fertility they will occasionally bleed. This can cause alarm to the owner especially if this occurs during pregnancy.
King AC (2008)

Pneumovagina due to horizontal slant of the dorsal portion of the vulva and poor tone of the labial muscles. This causes the mare to aspirate air into the vagina. A Caslick operation is indicated.
Utrecht (1976)

Poor muscle tone of the labia lead to parting of the lips and aspiration of air into the vagina. This condition is more commonly seen in older and thin mares but may be found even in young thin nulliparous mares. Pneumovagina is more common at the time of estrus. The ballooned vagina may readily be palpated per rectum.
Drost M (1971)

Caslick Operation.
The mucous membranes of the lips are infiltrated with a local anesthetic from the dorsal commissure to 2 cm below the level of the floor of the pelvis. Two 8 to 10 mm strips of mucous membranes are then trimmed next to the mucocutaneous junction, on each side. The scarified edges of the vulvar lips are then sutured together.
Drost M (1971)

Caslick Operation.
Post-operative view of the vulva 14 days after a Caslick operation.
Roberts SJ (1972)