The penis is washed with plain water prior to the collection of semen with the artificial vagina. Soap and disinfectants are avoided because of their deleterious effect on semen quality. This is also a good time to examine the penis for lesions and other abnormalities.
Swabbing of the urethral orifice is a standard practice during breeding soundness examination of the stallion, for evaluation of the possibility that the urethra and tract have been colonized with bacteria that cause metritis in the mare. The urethra is swabbed before and after semen collection, and the semen is also cultured. The purpose of the swab is to identify stallions with penile skin flora made up of a monoculture of Pseudomomas or Klebsiella, or other putative metritis pathogens.
Balanoposthitis is not a primary condition in a stallion, except as a sequel to overuse and friction. Usually, there would be a causative lesion like trauma, habronemiasis, paralysis, etc.
Painful constriction of the preputial opening that does not allow the penis to be retracted. The exposed penis has been wrapped in a protective bandage.