With the buck in a sitting position, leaning against the examiner, the penis is extended with the aid of an electroejaculator, and the tip is grasped with the fingers for visual examination.
With the buck in dorsal recumbency, the penis is extended with the aid of an electroejaculator, and the tip is grasped with the fingers for visual examination.
The cauliflower appearance of the end of the glans penis is normal. It always looks like this during puberty when it is in the process of separating from the lining of the prepuce under the influence of rising levels of testosterone.
The filiform urethral process is still adhered to the preputial mucosa of this young prepubescent buckling. The penis cannot yet be extruded. Lymphoid follicles are prominent in the mucosa.
The urethral process is still adhered to the lining of the prepuce and separation of the glans penis is not yet complete in this young buckling before puberty. He cannot yet achieve intromission.
The slightly congested tip of the penis and the urethral process are partially exposed and the everted preputial lining shows lymphoid follicles in a normal young kid.