Male Reproductive System: Breeding Soundness Evaluation
Examination of the Testes.
During the breeding soundness examination, the testicles are examined for size, symmetry, and consistency. They should be freely movable in the scrotum.
The electroejaculator probe has been inserted into the rectum. The lined semen collection cup is placed over the prepuce and the glans penis as it emerges. The glass centrifuge tube can be seen off to the right.
The electroejaculator probe has been fully inserted into the rectum. The lined semen collection cup is in place over the prepuce. The glass centrifuge tube can be seen off to the right.
The rectal probe is well lubricated and slowly inserted into the rectum to start the process of electroejaculation. The buck is in a left lateral recumbent position.
With the rectal probe in place, electroejaculation is begun. The penis is grasped with a piece of gauze and the tip is directed into a collection funnel.