2015 SW 16th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32608
Uveitis and spondylitis are occasional complications in dogs infected with Brucella canis.
Shille VM (1980)
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Orchitis due to Brucella canis leading to scrotal dermatitis due to licking.
Severe orchitis and epididymitis due to Brucella canis.
Grossly normal testis with severe caudal epididymitis due to Brucella canis.
Moderate to severe epididymitis due to Brucella canis.
Semen smear reveals presence of neutrophils and two large irregular monocytes.
Post abortion uterus showing necrotic lesions at zonary placental attachment sites in a bitch with Brucella canis.
Dogs with discospondylitis should be evaluated for Brucella canis infection. Brucellosis, caused by B. canis, is a zoonotic disease.
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