
Welcome to the Visual Guides of Animal Reproduction

The Visual Guides of Animal Reproduction, originally known as The Drost Project, began as a collection of images compiled by Maarten Drost over a period of 30+ years as a theriogenologist on the faculties of the University of California Davis and the University of Florida, as well as Utrecht University in The Netherlands and Colorado State University during sabbatical leaves. The foundation for this image atlas was laid during his stint as a visiting professor to Cornell University during the 1972/73 academic year, with numerous slides provided from the teaching collections of Dr. Stephen J. Roberts and Dr. Kenneth McEntee. Most of the images subsequently accumulated were generously contributed by friends and colleagues, and permission for their inclusion in this on-line guide has been granted. The images are categorized and each is given a title and an annotation and the original source of the image is acknowledged and referenced.

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